Klicaj ‘n’ droid5

Ljubljana, 3. 4. 2012

Notwithstanding spring fatigue, Klicaj crew is not resting. Furthermore, we have recently sailed into the green Android waters.  We have developed an Android version of the original Facebook game Najin D spomin (memmory game) for our client Debitel.

html5 android logo

The game is ideal for chasing away boredom while waiting for a bus, in doctors’ waiting rooms or simply when we have nothing else to do;). The game was developed in our lab from scratch, and we can also reveal, that we are currently cooking up new android applications!

In addition, we are developing a few new HTML5 applications, while also adapting some of the existing ones and making them Apple-friendly. Some of the new applications will feature a very endearing and cute puppy in the lead role. But who this puppy is and what will he be doing is still a secret!:)