Printed Electronics ’12

Ljubljana, 3. 4. 2012 — On Tuesday and Wednesday, 3rd  and 4th of April, we will witness the Printed Electronics Europe 2012 conference in Berlin. Printed electorics are opening up new possibilites in many areas because of their flexibility (both literally and...

Klicaj ‘n’ droid5

Ljubljana, Izola, 3. 4. 2012 — Notwithstanding spring fatigue, Klicaj crew is not resting. Furthermore, we have recently sailed into the green Android waters.  We have developed an Android version of the original Facebook game Najin D spomin (memmory game) for our...

Odprli s(m)o nova centra!

Ljubljana, Kranj, 1. 4. 2012 — Kljub šaljivemu  datumu je šlo zelo zares. Debitel je odprl dva povsem nova prodajno-informativna centra, enega v Ljubljani v BTC-ju, drugega pa v Kranju na Primskovem.   Z Debitelom smo razvili arhitekturno zasnovo in grafično...

Debitel “Centralization”

Ljubljana, Kranj, 1. 4. 2012 — Despite it being April fools, we’re not joking. Debitel opened two completely new sales and information centres, one in BTC (Ljubljana) and the other one in Primskovo, Kranj. In cooperation with Debitel, we have developed the...